- Vocational Training: ORPHANS FIRST has partnered with several local vocational institutions to provide training such as Sewing, Cosmetology, HVAC, Auto Repair, Medical Assistant, Office Administration etc…to young adult orphans (without High School Diplomas). This program is designed to help young adult orphans who are ready to enter the workforce but are unable to due to lack of formal training. The courses vary in length from 12 to 24 months which is a relatively short period of time to help a young person change their destiny . Tuition, books, and transportation are all paid for by ORPHANS FIRST.
- Orphans Scholar Fund: is a special education fund dedicated to provide full-tuition to talented orphans who demonstrate outstanding academic aptitude and exemplary personal behavior based on Christian values. The recipients of this scholarship will be able to pursue their post-secondary education in select universities around the world..
- Back- to-school Day: Specifically designed for school-aged orphans. During Back-to-school day, school-aged orphans receive complete school kits including backpacks, school uniforms and at least 2 pairs of shoes each for the new school year.
- Health Fairs: ORPHANS FIRST has joined hands with many local healthcare officials and practitioners for the organization of, at least, two major health fairs annually. Those events are designed for screenings, health assessments and much more. Beyond the Health Fairs, ORPHANS FIRST continues to provide access to regular medical care through its local Health Partners which consist of a local health clinic and a pharmacy. We welcome any international health practitioners who are interested in joining this effort. Please contact ORPHANS FIRST via this Website.
- Chronic Disease Management: HIV/AIDS is very prevalent among at-risk youth (which include many orphans) in Sub-Saharan Africa. There is also a great number of widows who have contracted the disease from their late spouses and are sometimes unaware that they have the disease or are simply afraid of being stigmatized therefore, refuse to seek treatment. ORPHANS FIRST has developed a network of Health professionals and Social workers who work discreetly with affected families to provide up-to-date pertinent medical guidance, counseling, sexual education, HIV/AIDS appropriate lifestyle changes, support and much more.
At the core of our VISION is the fundamental belief that self-sufficiency is God’s desire for all His children (including all widows). That is why, we have developed systems and processes that will enable every widow that seeks our help to care for herself and her family within 12 months with God’s help and our support. ORPHANS FIRST is investing in various agricultural projects to produce the likes of Cassava, Tomato, Corn, Cabbage etc… and in the raising of poultry. Those farming projects allow ORPHANS FIRST to provide all required start-up resources to each widow who is willing to sell them at local markets within a short period a time without out-of-pocket expense. In this Capacity Development Program, ORPHANS FIRST remains at hand to provide regular guidance and vital business management advice through workshops and on-demand.
We invite anyone who desires to make an impact through any of these programs to contact us without reservation. As you can see, the needs are significant and sometimes overwhelming. Therefore, there is no such thing as a small gift…everything counts and is greatly appreciated. Also, ORPHANS FIRST accepts gifts in nature such as Airlines miles, Medical supplies, used Trucks & Cars, Agricultural equipments, Computers (mainly laptops for field workers), Tablets, Cell phones, Backpacks, School supplies, Copiers, Printers etc…Simply contact us and we will be more than happy to arrange for the reception of your donation.
Christmas is a joyous time for everyone without doubt. However, Christmas is probably the happiest time of the year for all children, regardless of their nationality, social status, gender etc…Children around the world long for that special feeling of togetherness, family and the magic of Christmas through gifts and memories. The sad reality of our world is that, there are millions of children around the world who have never experienced the joy and magic of Christmas just because they are ORPHANS.
Our ANGEL TREE Christmas program started in December 2005. It consists of a big party where about 90 to 120 school-aged orphans receive a brand new age-appropriate toy. Then, there is dancing and the sharing of a BIG MEAL worthy of Christmas. In addition to the kids, ORPHANS FIRST takes the opportunity to thank all the wonderful staff at the different orphanages, the volunteers and members of our own organization.
If you are unable to help with any other program mentioned on this page, we hope and pray that you would please remember to help make Christmas a reality for these precious souls.
- A permanent home is the ultimate goal for each orphan so they can experience the stability, nurturing and proper social setting for growth and development. With this goal in mind, ORPHANS FIRST is devoted to help caring, loving Christian families adopt precious little souls to warm their hearts and bring joy to their lives. There are no fees to be paid to ORPHANS FIRST except anything required by local authorities during the process. We will work with would-be parents through every step along the way, providing critical up-to-date information necessary to make the best decision. Prayerfully consider this option for your family and contact us to get the process started…God bless you!